Oceanus, A.C. training centre for coral reef restoration
Mexican NGO working to restore coral reefs in the Mexican Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico since 2007
Saving the Mexican Coral Reefs. Oceanus AC
Oceanus, A.C. is a Mexican NGO working to restore coral reefs in the Mexican Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico since 2007. In 2019, Mars and Oceanus, A.C. formed a partnership and piloted the Reef Star methodology for the first time on the MesoAmerican Barrier Reef at two sites in the Arrecifes de Xcalak National Park. The pilot program used a combination of the MARRS method in combination with the techniques of Oceanus, A.C such as direct transplantation using the ‘light-bulb’ method.
Harnessing Oceanus’ track record on reef restoration and strong partnerships with local communities, we have successfully piloted and tested the suitability of Reef Star restoration and provided training in the MARRS method within the region. Since establishing the initial build at Xcalak in 2019, Oceanus, A.C. has piloted new Reef Star builds at Xcalak, La Poza, Veracruz and Cozumel and has initiated the development of two regional restoration training centers.

Various stages of the MARRS restoration method
Oceanus, A.C Training Centres
Oceanus, A.C. is in the process of building and developing a Training Centre for Coral Reef Restoration near the restoration site in Xcalak and Veracruz. By sharing our methods, and those developed by Oceanus, we can establish a regional network of competent reef builders, benefiting far more reefs than those we can restore on our own.