Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Australia's leading management agency for the Great Barrier Reef since 1975.
great barrier reef marine park authority
Location: Townsville, Australia
Partnership Status: ACTIVE
Reef Stars Deployed: 565
In November 2020, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Mars Incorporated, Quicksilver Cruises and Big Cat Green Island Cruises, the Coral Nurture Program and Gunggandji Traditional Owners joined together in a joint initiative to launch the Green Island rehabilitation project. The project used a total of 2675 coral fragments, with 2475 attached to Reef Stars and the remaining 200 live coral fragments connected to hard substrate using Coralclips® developed through the Coral Nurture Program.
The Green Island rehabilitation project was launched to test the effectiveness of Reef Star restoration on Green Island as a flexible method in the restoration toolbox for the Great Barrier Reef. This partnership also facilitated the training of a group of competent reef builders, capable of being deployed when and where they are needed. The project will run over 5 years and involve ongoing and regular site management and detailed monitoring every six months.
Since the pilot build at Green Island, Mars and GBRMPA, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service have expanding their restoration footprint to cover four more reef sites including Bait Reef, Shelving Reef, Monkey Reef and Humpy Island. To learn more about Bait Reef rehabilitation, click here.