Soneva Jani resort, Maldives
A world-leading Maldivian resort, pioneering a business model with sustainability at its heart.
Soneva Jani Resort
Location: Noonu Atoll, Maldives
Partnership Status: Not Active
Reef Stars Deployed: 185
Soneva Jani Resort has a strong interest in the protection of the coral reefs that their business, tourists and island communities depend on. Soneva Jani has partnered with NGO Save Our Seas, the Olive Ridley Project and the International Pole & Line Foundation and aim to propagate 50,000 corals at each of their resorts every year. In February 2020, following the training of Soneva Jani’s resident Marine Biologist Ellie, the staff completed a build of 136 Reef Stars.

Soneva Jani Marine Biologist, Ellie, explaining the MARRS method
Recent News
At Mars Sustainable Solutions, we will continue to support the Soneva Jani team to carry out independent reef restoration programs such as the recent partnership between the Soneva Foundation and Coralive. Located in the Maldives' Baa Atoll, the team aims to propagate 50,000 coral fragments each year! Learn more, here!